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The worst solution to a critical situation is to do nothing.

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

How do you work with people in times of change? Particularly when a lot of things are changing and you need your team to run fast in one particular direction? The answer is, be easier, simpler. Don't give them ten different plans or confusing ideas, but focus on one master plan that everyone understands and can follow. Then divide the responsibilities and ensure that people clearly understand what is the part which they are responsible. The more uncertain the leader in this situation, the more confused and ineffective the team will be. Simplicity is power, even if everyone around you think that power must be complicated. Because the one who proves that their effective work looks simple is the one who is the strongest. With a very complex plan, you can't achieve much. It is very easy to be complex and often very difficult to be simple. Giving people simple tasks and understandable goals is a way to get out of problematic situations faster. "Giving people simple tasks and understandable goals is a way to get out of trouble situations faster." How do you know if your team isn't working? When you look at the fact that something in your company is not working, you can definitely look at the people you have in it. But how do you know that a team is not really functioning? Simply. They are not creating enough value to help the company survive, or not helping the organisation move enough. The only thing I can do to increase the effectiveness of every single team member is what I focus on. It requires a high degree of demand for results, personal commitment and competence, a willingness to communicate clearly what you want, and a high degree of intent to do the job. Because if you lose your focus, you will soon lose control and influence over whether you manage to go through a difficult period. If you can't tell if you've moved two centimeters in the right direction or one centimeter in the wrong direction, you'll lose control and won't be able to hold the team the way it expects you to. If you know and stick to the goal and direction and talk about the above, this week, this month, and you manage to do what is needed and most valuable, it will be much better than talking about the big goals that most people find unrealistic.

We hope this helps!

Author - Negar Riazati, CEO at Performia Australia & China -

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