One of the most important traits of successful leaders and managers is their ability to recognise "source".
Source is defined as; "a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained"
If you can correctly identify the source of success and mistakes, then you can more easily make the right correction as well as strengthen and replicate your wins.
If you don't find the source, the root cause, then any "fix" you do will be a bandaid solution and not permanent, as you have not handled the underlying factor.
In order to truly handle a situation - we need to get to the real why.
Following are the most common challenges companies face, but not many handle the true underlying cause.
Sales declining or being inconsistent.
Margins reducing, including loss periods.
Quality issues. Quality cost is high.
Unsupportive team members.
Lost or not returning customers.
Top producers leaving.
Low producers staying.
Few people doing most of the work.
Budgets and deadlines not being met.
Low-trust culture.
Difficulty hiring the right candidates.
Wages being too high or unaffordable.
Company strategy not working.
It will sound unbelievable, but did you know that your Hiring Strategy is the cause, and solution to every one of the challenges above?
"How do we select, negotiate and onboard the team that will deliver the company strategy?"
Industry leading businesses, small and large, just starting or fully established, in the same way as successful sports teams, have clearly worked out and defined recruitment strategies that are developed and driven from the top.
And the smaller the team, the more important it is to get right because hiring a few people in a smaller team is a much bigger percentage compared with hiring for a larger group.
This is the single most important strategy to get fully worked out in a business.
If any of these challenges ring true for you, get in touch with Performia today.
We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.
- Ceo Negar Riazati -